
How Much Should 10 Sec Of Animation Cost

Terminal updated on 12th January 2022

If you've ever considered getting an animated video almost your brand, product or service, ane of the first things that you'll have thought about is how much it might cost .

We all know the benefits, but…how much should you expect to pay?

Unfortunately, 'toll' is an issue often shrouded in secrecy in explainer video land. Yous'll mostly need to spend a lot of fourth dimension reaching out to a variety of unlike companies to gather benchmark toll information, because almost studios want to talk to you lot to discover out more – and become a chance to make their sales pitch directly.

That'southward perfectly understandable, merely, for customers, shopping around the market for pricing data can get confusing and time-consuming, with endless hours spent on phone calls and answering emails.

Then, we went ahead and did some of the difficult work for y'all!

We reached out to 70 different explainer video companies and asked them a few simple, uniform questions to constitute how much you should look to pay for a sixty second explainer video.

To make information technology a fair test, we gave them the aforementioned 3 examples so that at that place was a articulate management, and all the studios knew the level of work required. Those examples can be seen here , here and hither .

Yous can see our full findings hither , but in this article, we'll cover a few highlights.

The numbers

Let'southward go right downward to information technology: The average price for a 60 2nd explainer video is $7,972. (That's around €vii,000 or £5,800 for our international readers, at the fourth dimension of writing.)

That's the boilerplate price, but a quick look at the distribution of answers tells a clear story. It demonstrates that about half of studios charge between $ii,501 and $10,000, with another salubrious chunk selling between $10,0001 and $twenty,000. Equally you'd await in any industry, there are a few outliers coming in way above or beneath these numbers, but you'd take to really scrutinise their work to make certain the price was justified, and/or the end product would exist up to scratch.

explainer video costs

Sounds expensive? The of import thing to remember is that video production is a decidedly multidisciplinary job, brought together by a team of creatives with a various range of skills. Blitheness studios excel at bringing these disciplines together nether i roof with one consequent project vision throughout.

Of form, each of these studios will have their own specialisms, product offerings and packages – and so brand sure to do your homework. Cost, after all, is simply i consideration when information technology comes to choosing the perfect explainer video partner.

You should too ask about whatever hidden costs that may pop up as your project unfolds. The prices we've discovered are 'starting bespeak' prices, but we tin't be entirely sure that they represent the full extent of what yous'll pay. For example, if a studio charges for each round of feedback and changes, the cost can quickly rack upward. And so make certain to enquire!

What makes upwards a video?

Although your 'video' represents a single cease product, it'southward made upward of a number of various processes. Each of these stages comes with its own level of expense!

You'll get-go out with a brief which is an initial argument of how you'd like the video to get – what features to include, how you'd like it to look, and more.

Based on this, the adjacent phase volition be a script, which sets out the voiceover for your video, and the action that will take identify on the screen.

Approx freelance Script Process costs – £50 – £250
Approx studio Script Process costs – £200 – £2,000

Next, you'll need to get your characters and graphics illustrated. Perhaps you'll too include some stock images.

Approx freelance illustration costs – £200 – £750
Approx studio illustration costs – £750 – £ten,000

You'll plainly need to retrieve about animation, the process that really makes the graphics motility and come up to life.

Approx freelance animation costs – £400 – £1,250
Approx studio animation costs – £i,000 – £twenty,000

Y'all'll need to add together a voiceover, any sound effects and of course your soundtrack, whether you plump for royalty-complimentary music or the latest Drake hitting.

Approx freelance voiceover & sound costs – £25 – £200
Approx studio voiceover & sound costs – £fifty – £1,000

The final version of your video will need to be rendered, before finally being uploaded and delivered.

Along the manner, y'all'll need to consider the affect that whatsoever meetings, phone calls and east-mails will have on your resources.

Approx ongoing freelance consultation costs – £FREE – £500
Approx ongoing studio consultation costs – £FREE – £5,000

And, of course, information technology'southward unlikely that you're going to be happy with the first draft at every stage. You lot're probably going to need revisions along the way, and many companies and agencies charge for this too.

Approx freelance revision costs – £FREE – £500
Approx studio revision costs – £FREE – £5,000

The alternative?

Of class, this data assumes that you're enlisting a studio to create your video. As the old saying goes, 'at that place'southward more than one mode to skin a cat…' and there's more than ane manner to brand a video, likewise!

While it isn't the easiest task in the world, you lot may likewise consider assembling a team of freelance creatives to put your video together.

Which approach is better?

The studio arroyo

Letting a video production company manage the whole procedure for you is oft a 'less stressful' approach!

Video product companies have valuable feel and expertise, leaving yous to concentrate on your mean solar day-to-solar day piece of work, and not go tangled up in the finer details and technicalities of your video.

And then what's the downside? Well, some companies are very expensive and you could detect yourself with a beak more than £20,000 per minute of blitheness. Pricy!

Even more frustratingly, you might not fifty-fifty know how much you're going to be coughing up until the bill lands on your desk when your video's complete. With optional extras throughout the process, the price you end upwardly paying can oftentimes be a whole lot more than the original quote yous were given.

Revisions can be a trouble, too. Many companies place a cap on the number of changes immune, and some fifty-fifty charge y'all each time you tinker. If you've got a articulate idea for the creative management for your video, this obviously isn't ideal!

With a number of other projects to occupy their time, you may also find that some companies are less than specific regarding when they'll be able to piece of work on your projection. You need some chemical element of certainty regarding the turnaround on your video. How long will the script take? Volition it exist done just when Bob the Copywriter has a free moment?

For these reasons, information technology'due south ever best to practise your enquiry earlier you lot cull a video production company; do they offer fixed pricing? Are they reliable? Practice they specify their turnarounds? And practise they give you lot the power to brand the required revisions without adding to the bottom line?

Doing it freelance

If you lot're feeling adventurous and desire to co-ordinate your own video production, yous could always exercise it yourself, enlisting the help of freelance creatives.

There are a number of immensely talented freelancers who can help you with the various components of a video. The affair is… how many are you going to need?

Video product takes a dynamic ready of skills, and you're likely to need several different people to piece of work on your project.

You're going to need a freelance copywriter to create your script. Next up, you'll be hiring a freelance illustrator to create your characters and graphics. And and then yous'll need to bring in a freelance animator to brand it all sing and dance.

You're essentially assembling your own video product team. Volition they all 'get information technology?' That is, will they all understand exactly what you're looking to achieve? Will their work compliment each others to create a smooth and attractive cease product?

Also, don't forget that you'll likely be paying freelancers past the hour. Whatsoever changes? They're gonna cost you lot. Wholesale changes? Get fix for costs to get-go spiraling rapidly abroad from your original upkeep.

Freelancing is a good way to retain an element of control over your projection, just ultimately there's no certainty over the price yous'll pay, and the whole project could end upwardly turning into a white elephant.

Fixed turnarounds, stock-still pricing, unlimited revisions: The Wyzowl Mode

That all seems like pretty stark reading, but in that location is a amend way. Here at Wyzowl we're immensely proud of the service we offering.

We know how important it is that you know when your video will be completed, which is why we offer you lot fixed turnarounds for each process, so you'll know when your script, storyboard and completed video file will be with y'all for review. And nosotros'll make sure we evangelize on that, too.

We go along pricing simple, as well. Nosotros accuse a simple, per-minute price for our animation, and that's the price you pay. It'due south all included in the packet.

We'll also make unlimited changes to your video within the scope of the project, at no actress accuse.

Our all-inclusive service includes any sound effects, stock imagery, soundtrack, and we communicate via our purpose-congenital Project Manager so you can review as of correspondence we've had.


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